- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Album sharing has now been released.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- You can now organise your photos and videos into albums.
- You can now add subtitles to your videos.
- Bugs were fixed and performance improved.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Less device memory will be used when the app is running.
- Updates for Android 6 will no longer be provided.
- More raw image formats are now supported.
- Bugs fixed and performance improved.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- New tabs for chats and meetings
- Possibility to open Microsoft documents using the Microsoft app
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Option for the meeting host to end call for all participants.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- You can now choose the image quality settings for chat attachments when using mobile data.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- It is now easier to find your contacts in Chat by searching for a name, email or an alias
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- You can now see your favourites in the Home section
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- You can now enjoy your favourite pictures from the Photos section
- Ongoing call indicator added to the Home section
- Improved customer experience when billing is not available
- Improved user experience when deleting accounts that have active subscriptions
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Dropped support for Android 5.x
- Improved support for Android 12
- Improved customer experience for account subscription payments when changing Pro plans
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Improved customer experience for Pro account subscription payments
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- New 'upload folder' functionality allowing you to upload a complete folder or multiselect folder items
- Added reorder option to audio/video playlist
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Gallery mode was added to folder's sub header. You can now switch between list, thumbnail and gallery mode
- Full screen resolution images can now be previewed
- Added back the "open link" menu options
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Gallery mode was added to folder's sub header. You can now switch between list, thumbnail and gallery mode
- Full screen resolution images can now be previewed
- Added back the "open link" menu options
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- You can now unlock MEGA using your fingerprint
- You can now save space by defining the video quality options in Camera Uploads Settings
- Zoom options were added to image galleries
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- You can now unlock MEGA using your fingerprint
- You can now save space by defining the video quality options in Camera Uploads Settings
- Zoom options were added to image galleries
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Hide your latest activity from Recents through Settings > User Interface > Hide recent activity
- You can now select the screen you wish to start the app in
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- You can now choose the video quality settings for Camera Uploads and Chat attachments.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- MEGAchat call interface look and feel overhaul.
- Users can now join MEGAchat calls via links as guests or registered participants.
- Increased number of participants in a call.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- The new look for Camera Uploads helps you find and share your best content. Sort and explore your photos and videos by day, month or year.
- You can now skip forward and backwards by 15 seconds using the new buttons on the audio player interface.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- You can now save images and videos from MEGA straight to your device photos gallery.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Two-Factor Authentication user interface update.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Two-Factor Authentication user interface update.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Passcode lock timeout options and interface update.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Dark theme is now available.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Added a new document scanner feature.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Added a new document scanner feature.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Added new cookie settings.
- Improved get link user interface.
- Improved transfer user interface.
- Improved service for public announcement of any important notifications from MEGA.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Added a new Homepage.
- Added a new option to set files and folders as favourites.
- Added the possibility of set colour label for files and folders.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Added a new Homepage.
- Added a new option to set files and folders as favourites.
- Added the possibility of set colour label for files and folders.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Enabled transfers resumption.
- Displayed local pricing while upgrading account.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Added an option to put a call on hold.
- Improved the call user interface and call notifications.
- Added limits to the number of reactions to a chat message.
- Added a service for public announcements of any important notification from MEGA.
- Added GIPHY option to the chat toolbar.
- Improved GIF playback in chat.
- Added new transfer widget.
- Improved transfer user interface.
- Added “Do Not Disturb” mode.
- Improved notifications.
- Improved payments through Google Play (new Google Play Billing Library).
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Added emoji reactions to chat message.
- Improved audio and video calling.
- Improved Camera Uploads.
- Improved support for MKV video files.
- Improved search function.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.
- Chat links performance improvements.
- Business accounts improvements.
- Audio/video calls improvements.
- Camera Uploads and Media Uploads views improvements.
- Other several improvements and bug fixes.
- Chat links performance improvements.
- Business accounts improvements.
- Audio/video calls improvements.
- Camera Uploads and Media Uploads views improvements.
- Other several improvements and bug fixes.
- Camera Uploads and Media Uploads services fixes and improvements.
- Fixes and improvements on chats and audio/video calls.
- Other several improvements and bug fixes.
Contact aliases or nicknames.
New tab "Links" in "Shared items" section.
Improvements on options to "Share".
Several improvements and bug fixes.
Contact aliases or nicknames.
New tab "Links" in "Shared items" section.
Improvements on options to "Share".
Several improvements and bug fixes.
Contact aliases or nicknames.
New tab "Links" in "Shared items" section.
Improvements on options to "Share".
Several improvements and bug fixes.
Allow camera swap (front/back) on calls.
Chat always enabled.
Support for business accounts.
Voice message record UI improvements.
Payments improvements (upgrade Google billing library).
Several improvements and bug fixes.
Allow camera swap (front/back) on calls.
Chat always enabled.
Support for business accounts.
Voice message record UI improvements.
Payments improvements (upgrade Google billing library).
Several improvements and bug fixes.
Fix for incoming call notifications issue in Android 10 (require SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission).
Reconnect a call in progress after losing connection.
Weak accounts protection.
New UI for Login, Create Account and Change Password.
Fix several bugs.
Several UI improvements.
Account verification using SMS.
Invite contacts from your phone address book.
New option to include location tags for Camera Uploads.
Support for new file and folder link format.
Fix several bugs.
Several UI improvements.
New section Recents.
Improvements of send to chat.
Fixed several bugs.
Several UI improvements.
Improve the compatibility with Android 9.0
Fixed several bugs.
Improved voice message quality.
Several UI improvements.
- Dark theme is now available.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Improve the compatibility with Android 9.0
Fixed several bugs.
Improved voice message quality.
Several UI improvements.
Improve the compatibility with Android 9.0
Fixed several bugs.
Improved voice message quality.
Several UI improvements.
Updated the app to be 64-bit compliant.
Introduced an OS controlled service to manage Camera Uploads.
Added concurrent photo and video uploads.
Better SD card support.
Added the ability to compress videos (defaults to ON).
Added the ability to strip off GPS info for photos and compressed videos.
Improved the performance of the UI while uploading.
Updated available translations.
Fixed several bugs.
Fixed several bugs.
UI improvements.
Updated available translations.
Fix several bugs.
Add a setting to allow turn on/off autoplay.
Update password reminder logic with new password change rules.
Update available translations.
New tour and onboarding.
Chat links.
Audio/video calls fixes and improvements.
Search among chats.
New send to chat UI.
New logic for password reminder.
Updated translations.
UI fixes and improvements.
Several other bug fixes.
Group calling
Several bug fixes
New UI design
Last seen feature
Rubbish bin scheduler
New emojis
Several bugs fixed
Performance improvements
New UI design
Last seen feature
Rubbish bin scheduler
New emojis
Several bugs fixed
Performance improvements
Two factor authentication
Several bugs solved
UX/UI improvements
Performance improvements
Two factor authentication
Several bugs solved
UX/UI improvements
Performance improvements
Media viewers improvements
Rich links and previews in chat
Several bugs solved
UX/UI improvements
Notifications improvements
Chat improvements
Several bugs solved
UX/UI improvements
Several bugs solvedUX/UI improvements
MEGA Audio/Video calls (164)Chat improvementsExport contacts from device to MEGASeveral bugs solvedUX/UI improvements (164)Chat improvementsExport contacts from device to MEGASeveral bugs solvedUX/UI improvements (153)New notificationsImprove file and folder linksSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements
3.2.2 (148)NotificationsSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.2.1 (144)Chat attachments galleryRevoke attachmentsSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.2 (142)Send chat attachments from deviceSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.8.1 (139)Performance improvements3.1.8 (138)Chat improvementsSeveral bugs solvedUI improvementsIf you find any bug, please contact us to support@mega.nz or android@mega.nz
3.2.1 (144)Chat attachments galleryRevoke attachmentsSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.2 (142)Send chat attachments from deviceSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.8.1 (139)Performance improvements3.1.8 (138)Chat improvementsSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.7 (137)Several bugs solved3.1.6.1 (136)Several bugs solvedIf you find any bug, please contact us to support@mega.nz or android@mega.nz
3.2 (142)Send chat attachments from deviceSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.8.1 (139)Performance improvements3.1.8 (138)Chat improvementsSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.7 (137)Several bugs solved3.1.6.1 (136)Several bugs solved3.1.6 (135)Improvements in create accountSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.5 (134)Several bugs solvedUI improvementsManage chat attachmentsIf you find any bug, please contact us to support@mega.nz or android@mega.nz
3.1.7 (137)Several bugs solved3.1.6.1 (136)Several bugs solved3.1.6 (135)Improvements in create accountSeveral bugs solvedUI improvements3.1.5 (134)Several bugs solvedUI improvementsManage chat attachments3.1.4 (133)Several bugs solved3.1.3 (132)Several bugs solved3.1.2 (129)Several bugs solvedReceive/Send contacts and files in chatIf you find any bug, please contact us to support@mega.nz or android@mega.nz